Featured image of post _Follow the Moon Home_

Follow the Moon Home

Just arriving in town, Viv’s class assignment is to find a problem and come up with a plan to tackle it. The story of a successful campaign against what, at first, seems to be an insurmountable problem.
Featured image of post _The Boy and the Whale_

The Boy and the Whale

When a boy sees a whale caught in their net he worries about saving it. His father worries about their ruined net and what it means for their family. A great book for thinking about human impact on oceans.
Featured image of post Oil spills, science, and community in Alaska
Episode 58

Oil spills, science, and community in Alaska

Discussion about environmental education in Cordova, Alaska. How their programs address the legacy of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. We also talk about how they bring together kids from across the Copper River watershed to share experiences and understand how their communities are connected.
Featured image of post _The Giving Tree_

The Giving Tree

Simple story about a boy and an apple tree who gives the boy everything he needs. A powerful book for thinking about sustainability and human relationships with nature.
Featured image of post _Town is by the Sea_

Town is by the Sea

A beautiful, understated, and haunting story about life in a costal mining community. Use it to stimulate discussions about the challenges of making the transition away from fossil fuels.
Featured image of post _I Wish You Knew_

I Wish You Knew

Story about sharing, empathy, and creating a classroom community which feels safe and supportive. A great book for supporting classes or students dealing with eco or climate anxiety.